
•Periodontics deals with treating gum disease and all forms of periodontitis.
Periodontics is a very common disease affecting up to 50% of the population. It is a disease of the supportive dental tissue, which, in its advanced stages, leads to loosening and loss of teeth. It begins with the accumulation of dental calculus in the neck of the tooth, which is filled with microorganisms, and leads to the inflammation of the gums or gingiva. If the calculus is not removed in time, inflammation becomes more severe and gums start bleeding at the slightest touch. This causes the patient to avoid performing daily dental hygiene, because each time they try, their mouth fills up with blood. With the lack of hygiene the condition worsens and infection penetrates deeper into the tissue, causing bone loss around the root of the teeth. Roots become exposed, and teeth lose their stability in the jaw. In final stages they come completely loose and fall out. Treatment of this condition is the specialty of our clinic. With our unique treatment we succeed in saving even the teeth which are held by only few millimeters of bone. The treatment includes the whole mouth cavity, is performed in two stages and lasts for only 7 days.
First stage (pre-prosthetic preparation) sometimes can last for several hours, but is completed within a day by collecting dental imprints for prosthetic substitutes. It also implies treatment of diseased teeth, and removal of periodontal pockets (space between gums and teeth filled with infected content). We use this opportunity to remove anything that in the future could become a source of infection, which is the key to a long term solution of this problem. We make the utmost effort to preserve the teeth, and avoid removal. Sometimes, in case of multiple-root teeth, we remove the infected section of the root and use the rest as bearers, because the preservation of natural tissue is precious. In the second stage we place the prosthetic substitute into what is now healthy tissue, and it will, through equal burdening of remaining teeth, prevent further progression of the disease. Burdening of the functional teeth should be along the direction of their axis, this has a stimulative effect on the bone, condensing it and even strengthening the teeth. Ability to chew again, without fear of leaving a tooth in one’s food, and an esthetically pleasing outcome change the lives of our patients for the better.
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