Oral surgery and implantology

Services which we provide in our clinic from the field of oral surgery are:

- Routine and surgical teeth removal , when all other options have been exhausted

- Hemisectionfor the multiple-root teeth, in which we only remove the diseased root, remaining ones are provided with endodontal care and used as bearers of prosthetic supports.

- Apicoectomy for the teeth with large infections or cysts in the root tips which cannot be cured through conservative endodontal treatments. We remove the infected tissue, including the portion of the root which was affected. The rest is provided with endodontal care which extends the life span of the tooth significantly.

- Frenectomy and other mucogingival procedures

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Overview in dental clinic 'Ivodent' you can schedule by our website, telephone or directly.

+381 11 3446 008

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